Allow the bird to flap as much as it wants as this action forces any blood to go down to the neck and coagulate there. So opossums use their claws to.
Chickens Still Facing Slaughter In Pain And Fear News The Times
The system is much more popular in Europe - 75 percent of turkeys and 25 percent of chickens in the UK.

How are chickens killed. The vast majority of these animals spend their lives in total confinementfrom the moment they hatch until the day they are killed. Chicks that disappear could have been eaten by a snake or by a house cat domestic or feral. That is a variation on the twist using the hands or some kind of leverage to snap the chickens neck.
I observed many hens frozen to the metal cages in the trailer. A practice called controlled atmosphere killing involves putting birds to sleep while theyre still in transport cages by removing the oxygen in their cages. This would kill the chicken but it would take time and be stressful and painful to the bird and traumatic for the wringer.
This action is only nervous reaction and it will stop in about 30 seconds. So forget about wringing. At this point the chicken is dead.
Its an industry-wide practice that results in the deaths of millions of baby chickens a year. My dad describes killing chickens on his grandparents farm by grabbing the chicken by the head and swing it around in circles as big as you can until you hear a crack or until the head disconnects from the body. Free-range laying hens like all other laying hens are killed after about a year or two when their egg production drops.
Millions of chickens and turkeys are scalded alive after their throats are cut. A rat too will disappear baby chicks without a trace. Workers rush through the sheds grabbing multiple birds by their legs and slinging them into crates for transport.
Chickens who survive the horrific conditions of broiler sheds or battery cages are transported to the slaughterhouse. People believe wringing is as in a wet towel ie. In the United States approximately 9 billion chickens are killed for their flesh each year and 305 million hens are used for their eggs.
Every year tens of millions suffer broken wings and legs from the rough handling and some hemorrhage to death. When theyre born male chicks are killed immediately in a process known as culling. And 10 percent of all birds in the European Union are killed by the more humane method.
For poultry including chickens ducks turkeys and geese they may arrive the night before or on the day of slaughter and are stunned using either electrical stunning or carbon dioxide gas. Like battery chickens free-range chickens come from hatcheries that kill the male chicks. Twisted squeezed and compressed to remove water.
Theyre efficient killers and once attacked the chickens dont typically live. There is no question about it. At the slaughterhouse chickens are not stunned but shackled and dragged upside down fully conscious through electrified water that paralyzes their muscles so that their feathers will come off more easily after they are dead.
Once unconscious the neck is severed to allow bleeding out to cause death. A raccoon killing chickens may carry away the entire bird in which case you may find the carcass in the proximity of the coop the insides eaten and feathers scattered around. Now if you feel the neck between the head and the body you will find a large void where the neck joined the head.
That being said I had one young rooster recently that lived through an opossum attack with a very deep wound on his back thats still healing. They are usually slaughtered under the same conditions described above. On February 21 at Butterfield Foods Company in Minnesota an inspector found 9150 birds frozen to death.