His mother Mary her cousin Elizabeth and Elizabeths son John the Baptist. The relatives of Jesus were Joseph Mary John the baptist Elizabeth James Jude and Salomi who were his brothers and sisters according to The Bible.
Biblicalstudies Org Uk The Relatives Of Jesus By Richard Bauckham
Next in frequency come Jesus ie.

Living relatives of jesus. Also mentioned but not named are sisters of Jesus. John Calvin believed it was possible. 31132 and three Nestorian bishops of Seleucia on the Tigris in the 3rd century according to the 13th-century Syrian historian Gregory Barhebraeus.
To find the names of living relatives on a death certificate you must at least know the individuals full name at time of death the approximate year of the death and the state or county of the death depending on when the event took place. Jesus once asked the rhetorical question Who is My mother and who are My brothersMatt 1247 and then Pointing to his disciples he. Get help finding some of the minimum information by selecting one of the following items Name.
So without having access to Marys family tree the best I could say is that it is possible but unlikely that Jesus has any living relatives. A couple centuries after Jesus the Roman records show Jesus grand nephews being questioned before the courts. When Jesus was twelve and His parents took Him to Jerusalem for Passover there is absolutely no mention of any brothers or sisters.
Opinion Adam is the father of all humans. Jude another brother also did not believe in him until after His resurrection. By the way Jesus has relatives living today but not blood relatives but blood-bought members of the family of God.
Jesus couldnt have just a few descendants living today. Other known relatives of Jesus include Simeon the second bishop of Jerusalem who was the son of Josephs brother Clopas mentioned by Eusebius HE. Think of Judahs shame over selling his brother Joseph to slave traders lying to his grieving father Jacob for years and his incestuous liaison with his sons wife Tamar.
Joshua and the two Greek names Alexander and Philip 4. Simon or Simeon 11. The fact is that while reports of Jesus marriage and fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated Jesus did have an army of blood relatives.
Therefore let us obey the Great Commission from Jesus our Lord and pass the cards to your family relatives friends schoolmates colleagues and everyone whom you meet with. An press release by a a secret religious organization has stirred a significant uproar over the Christian world By claiming to recognize 8978 living descendants of Jesus Christ. The last Biblical mention of him is in Acts 2118 where the Jerusalem elders exhorted Paul to take a Nazarite vow.
Being that Jesus had multiple half brothers and sisters it is possible descendants of Mary and Joseph still exist somewhere in the world. The Relatives 0 Jesus 7 names1 The number of people bearing these names in order of pop ularity are approximately. If anyone alive today is descended from Jesus then so are most of the people on the.
So there could be relatives living today. I dont believe Jesus had children but it is highly possible there are surviving distant relatives. There are three major points in the Bible that highly show He was an only child of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah took upon himself the sin and shame of Judah. As born again Christians we are the disciples of Jesus our Lord. Here Jesus was earthly son of Joseph and Mary.
And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age. His work survives only in fragments mostly quotations by the church historian Eusebius but Eusebius probably extracted most of what he said about relatives of Jesus. For help with identifying other relatives we must turn to Hegesippus who lived in Palestine in the mid-second century and recorded some local Jewish Christian traditions about relatives of Jesus.
And The Bible clearly states that Jesus had other brothers and sister. The strange document is signed by Louis-Édouard du Bellay the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion an undercover and shadowy organization which was made renowned by Dan Browns Da Vinci Code novel. Jesus also had four brothers-- James Joses Simon and Judas-- as well as some unnamed sisters.
Joseph or Joses Judas John 6. James the half-brother of Jesus was an early leader of the Jerusalem Church. He is also author of the New Testament book that bears his name.
In the culture Jesus lived in extended family members were called brothers and sisters. The New Testament describes James Joseph Judas and Simon as brothers of Jesus. Jesus bore that shame though he always told the truth and in fact is the Truth.
Catholic Assyrian Eastern Orthodox Oriental Orthodox and Lutherans believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary as did the Protestant leaders Martin Luther Huldrych Zwingli John Wesley and their respective movements.